فيديو ينشره جنود الاحتلال أثناء تفجير 21 منزلاً في غزة

الخميس 25 يناير, 2024

Fifth News Network - Gaza


On Wednesday, Israeli accounts circulated on social media a video clip of a number of Israeli occupation army soldiers announcing the bombing of 21 homes in the Gaza Strip.


The bombing took place in the Bani Suhaila area, in memory of the 21 soldiers who were killed, on Monday, in the explosion of two buildings while they were working to booby-trap them with explosives.


The video clip shows an Israeli soldier saying: “We, the warriors of the Engineering Corps, Battalion 271, bow our heads in memory of the 21 soldiers. We will blow up the homes of 21 (terrorists) in memory of them.”


Yesterday, Tuesday, the Israeli occupation army announced the killing of 21 officers and soldiers during the ongoing battles in the central Gaza Strip, bringing the number of Israeli soldiers killed since October 7 to 556, including 221 since the beginning of the ground invasion.

According to sources, an anti-armor missile fired by the Palestinian resistance targeted an Israeli tank and two buildings that the occupation forces were booby-trapping, causing a massive explosion.

The occupation army intended to destroy 10 buildings, each consisting of two floors, opposite the “Kissufim” settlement, about 600 meters from the border fence.